Thursday, July 24, 2008

Old School!

Dave Perillo posted these on his site recently ( and I thought it was brilliant... "I decided to spoof the old Hanna Barbera title cards you'd see right before a episode would start. I figured if the Beatles had a cartoon why couldn't the Ramones. They could drive around and solve mysteries and argue with each other, they'd even have a scrappy alley cat sidekick named Bonzo. I'm also working on a version featuring the Sex Pistols..."

Monday, July 21, 2008

2008 DP Reel - rough

I have recently been working on my DP (Director of Photography) reel. It has been a long edit process, so I am happy to be at the point that I want to post the reel and get some feedback. Please, feel free to post comments. This is a rough - so please keep the comments constructive.

In advance, thanks for your time and insight.

Friday, July 18, 2008


One of the greatest...

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Fog of Love from Meg & Rob on Vimeo.

Rob Baniewicz and Paul Schneider get together for something great.