Sunday, March 21, 2010

Click Free shoot

Here is a shoot that I had a couple days ago. Basically, the product will remotely/wirelessly backup your computer. The Director wanted one shot showing three computers being backed up. Setup and shoot all happened in one eight hour day... we were jammed and jamming.

My crew rocked. Brain Troy and intern Ted kicked it out. I could not have done it without them.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Joan in Wonderland

Camera operator today. Nice push and ped using Innovision's HD Probe lens. Paul Schneider lit this and I stepped in to operate because of scheduling issues.

Joan is always great to work with. Dan Porto did the set and costumes and Ellen Thorn directed... always amazing.

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Here is the finished commercial.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Designer Gallery

A two day shoot on white sweep. The clothes were laid out to imply model's form or motion. Our stylist, Christine, really made this great.

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